Research & innovation

Research projects

Research projects ongoing in 2020 or approved for funding in 2021
(this report was prepared on 22 March 2021)

Cellular, molecular and functional characterization of quiescence in Leishmania donovani, the etiological agent of visceral leishmaniasis

Dujardin, J. – Molecular Parasitology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/21 → 31/12/24

Viral evolutionary analyses as a magnifying glass on parasite population dynamics

Dujardin, J. – Molecular Parasitology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/21 → 31/12/24

Clinical research platform for untargeted RNA virus detection in tropical fever patient populations: construction and application

Vercauteren, K. – Clinical Virology

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/01/21 → 31/12/24

Improving leprosy prevention strategies by integrating social network analysis with spatial and molecular epidemiology data of Mycobacterium leprae in the Comoros

Peeters, K. – Socio-ecological Health Research

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/01/21 → 31/12/24

Innovate to reduce rifampicin-resistant tuberculosis in Rwanda and beyond (InnoR3TB)

De Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/01/21 → 31/12/24

Mechanisms of P. vivax chloroquine resistance: a transcriptomic/transgenic approach

Rosanas-Urgell, A. - Malariology

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/01/21 → 31/12/24

PReventing the Emergence of untreatable STIs via radical Prevention

Kenyon, C. – Sexual Transmitted Diseases

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/01/21 → 31/12/24

Spatial analysis of host-parasite interactions in the skin across the clinical spectrum of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Ethiopia

Adriaensen, W. – Clinical Immunology

Stichting Dioraphte

1/01/21 → 31/12/23

Development and evaluation of a computerized intervention for chemsex support

Florence, E. – HIV/STD Clinic

VAD vzw

19/11/20 → 31/03/21

Unravelling Data for Rapid Evidence-Based Response to COVID-19

Peñalvo, J. L. – Non-Communicable Diseases

European Commission

15/11/20 → 14/11/22

Celluloepidemiologie: genereren en modelleren van SARS-COV-2 specifieke T-cel responsen op populatieniveau met als doel interventies in de gezondheidszorg te verbeteren

Ariën, K. - Virology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/11/20 → 31/10/21

Diagnostica TRYPELIM

Hasker, E. – Tropical Infectious Diseases

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

1/11/20 → 31/01/22

Pro-actively addressing the challenges for an effective uptake of COVID-19 vaccination in Belgium: a transdisciplinary approach.

Peeters, K. – Socio-ecological Health Research

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/11/20 → 31/10/21

Mucine isovorm-microbioom interacties die de ernst van COVID19 bepalen: een hulp bij de stratificatie van patiënten?

Ariën, K. - Virology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/11/20 → 31/10/21

Msichana/Chakti! Understanding accountability in sexual and reproductive health of adolescent girls living in slums: a realist evaluation

Van Belle, S. – Health Policy

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Postdoctoraal mandaat)

1/11/20 → 31/10/2023

Gaming for Health – A mixed methods approach using the pork tapeworm as a model

Trevisan, C. – Veterinary Helminthology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Postdoctoraal mandaat)

1/11/20 → 31/10/2023

Assessing replicative fitness difference of SARS-CoV-2 circulating lineages

Bartholomeeusen, K. - Virology

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (Pump Priming Projects)

20/10/20 → 20/07/21

Chemified: pilot testing of a mobile application for chemsex-care and support

Florence, E. – HIV/STI Clinic

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (Pump Priming Projects)

20/10/20 → 20/07/21

Data integration to close the gap on Prediction of MTB Drug Resistance Mutations

de Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (Pump Priming Projects)

20/10/20 → 20/07/21

Diagnosis through Sorted Immune Repertoires

Vercauteren, K. – Clinical Virology

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (Pump Priming Projects)

20/10/20 → 20/07/21

Documenting stillbirths and early neonatal deaths to improve maternal and newborn health in Cambodia

Benova, L., Delvaux, T. – Sexual and Reproductive Health

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (Pump Priming Projects)

20/10/20 → 20/07/21

ID-CoV: Identification of predictive models of COVID-19 severity in a multi-state setting for its use in risk stratification

Peñalvo, J. L. – Non-Communicable Diseases

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (Pump Priming Projects)

20/10/20 → 20/07/21

Prospective investigation of oxidative stress in West Nile virus infection

Bottieau, E. – Tropical Diseases

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (Pump Priming Projects)

20/10/20 → 20/07/21

Single cell transcriptomics of Leishmania donovani throughout its development in its natural sand fly vector Phlebotomus argentipes (LEISH-ILIAD*)

Dujardin, J., Domagalska, M. – Molecular Parasitology

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (Pump Priming Projects)

20/10/20 → 20/07/21

The impact of immunometabolomic dynamics in Plasmodium sexual conversion rates

Rosanas-Urgell, A. - Malariology

Flemish Government – Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (Pump Priming Projects)

20/10/20 → 20/07/21

Beter begrijpen van Covid-19 uitbraken in Woonzorg centra (WZC) in Vlaanderen, een epidemiologisch onder- zoek

Laga, M. - Sexual Health incl HIV

MVG, Prevent.& Soc.Gezond.Zorg

1/10/20 → 31/03/21

Impact Covid-19 on Maternal Health

Benova, L. – Sexual and Reproductive Health

British Embassy

1/10/20 → 31/03/21

Ondersteunen van inzage verkrijgen in de transmissie- dynamiek van SARS-CoV-2 in de Brusselse regio en het vroeg detecteren van clusters

Laga, M. – Sexual Health incl HIV

Gezondheid & Welzijn Brussels Gewest

1/10/20 → 31/03/21

Vaccine Hesitancy during COVID-19 Misinformation

Peeters, K. – Socio-ecological Health Research

British Embassy

1/10/20 → 31/03/21

PICOV study: "Influence of prior infection with COVID-19 on occurence of influenza-like illness or acute respiratory infection"

Ariën, K. - Virology


24/09/20 → 31/05/21

Master Clinical Study An open-label, multicentre, randomized adaptive platform trial of the safety and efficacy of several therapies, including antiviral therapies, versus control in mild / moderate cases of COVID-19

van Griensven, J. – HIV & Neglected Tropical Diseases

DNDi Geneva

1/09/20 → 31/10/22

Preventie van Diabetes type 2 en zwangerschapsdiabetes bij vrouwen van reproductieve leeftijd in Kisantu, DR Congo

Peñalvo, J. L. – Non-Communicable Diseases

Het college van burgemeester

1/09/20 → 31/08/21

Exploring and learning from evidence, policy and systems responses to COVID-19 in West and Central Africa

Van Damme, W. – Health Policy

International Development

1/08/20 → 31/07/22

Is screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia cost-effective in reducing the cumulative incidence of these infections in men who have sex with men taking HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): a randomized, multicenter controlled trial

Kenyon, C. - Sexual Transmitted Diseases

Federaal Kenniscentrum België

1/07/20 → 30/06/23

Sero-prevalence and sero-conversion study of health care workers and their households, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Vanlerberghe V., - Tropical Infectious Diseases

Deutsche Gesellshaft Fur Internationale Zusammenarbeit

1/07/20 → 31/01/21

AfriCover: Characterising transmission parameters of SARS-CoV-2 in a peri-urban setting in Mozambique using population-based surveillance and a high-throughput sero-assay

Widdowson, M. – Outbreak Research Team

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

15/06/20 → 14/09/21

Emerging Infectious Diseases Research Center - East and Central Africa

Hasker, E., Vanlerberghe V. – Tropical Infectious Diseases

US National Institutes of Health

1/06/20 → 31/05/25

ImmCoV: Are SARS-CoV-2 specific antibodies a correlate for protection?

Ariën, K. - Virology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

22/05/20 → 31/05/21

Severe Typhoid in Africa PLUS Program

Jacobs, J. – Tropical Bacteriology

International Vaccine Institute

1/05/20 → 30/04/21

SARS-CoV-2 HCW study: SARS-CoV-2 prevalence, seroprevalence and seroconversion among healthcare workers in Belgium during the 2020 COVID-19 outbreak

Ariën, K. - Virology


22/04/20 → 30/04/21

Health Systems Transformation India

Criel, B. – Equity and Health

Access Health

1/04/20 → 30/06/21

The clinically silent Plasmodium vivax reservoir in the Amazon: a systematic review and pooled analysis of individual-level data from population-based surveys

Rosanas-Urgell, A. - Malariology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/04/20 → 31/03/22

Bacteriële groei voor diagnosis van bloedbaan infecties in ontwikkelingslanden

Jacobs, J. – Tropical Bacteriology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/20 → 31/12/21

Development and validation of a novel life course microsimulation model linking diet to noncommunicable diseases

Peñalvo, J. L. – Non-Communicable Diseases

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/20 → 31/12/23

Heteroresistance: an occult threat to the treatment success of resistant tuberculosis

de Jong, B. – Mycobacteriology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/20 → 31/12/23

Identifying sylvatic reservoir species of outbreak-prone arthropodborne viruses through large-scale serostatus mapping in African wildlife

Ariën, K. - Virology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/20 → 31/12/23

Diversity Components in Mosquito-Borne Diseases in Face of Climate Change

Müller, R. – Medical Entomology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/03/20 → 28/02/23

Action Leveraging Evidence to Reduce perinatal mortality and morbidity in sub-Saharan Africa

Benova, L. – Sexual and Reproductive Health

European Commission

1/01/20 → 31/12/24

Community-based tuberculosis triage testing after symptom screening in hard-to-reach African populations: CAD4TB versus C-reactive protein

Lynen, L. – HIV/AIDS

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

1/01/20 → 31/12/23

Heteroresistentie: occulte bedreiging voor succesvolle behandeling van resistente tuberculosis.

de Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/20 → 31/12/23

Identificeren van reservoir soorten voor virussen die door insecten worden overgedragen door middel van grootschalige analyse van de serostatus in Afrikaanse wilde dieren.

Ariën, K. - Virology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/20 → 31/12/23

Monitoring Outbreak events for Disease surveillance in a data science context

Müller, R. & Van Bortel W. – Medical Entomology

European Commission

1/01/20 → 31/12/23

Examining barriers to providing good quality postnatal care: A mixed-methods study of global configurations of care and local clinical practice adaptations in Tanzania and Guinea.

Benova, L. – Sexual and Reproductive Health

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Postdoctoraal mandaat)

1/11/19 → 31/10/22

Diagnostic performance evaluation of the Genoscholar TM-PZA-TB II

de Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology

Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics (FIND)

25/10/19 → 31/10/21

Advancing a GMMA-based vaccine against invasive non-typhoidal salmonellosis through Phase I trial in Europe and sub-Saharan Africa

Jacobs, J. – Tropical Laboratory Medicine

European Commission

1/10/19 → 31/03/21

Onthullen van fenotypische en moleculaire eigenschappen van het slaap fenotype bij Leishmania populaties onder medicijnen druk

Jara M. – Molecular Parasitology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Postdoctoraal mandaat)

1/10/19 → 30/09/22

Prise en charge améliorée de Maladie à Virus Ebola en situation d'urgence en RDC

Ariën, K. - Virology

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

1/09/19 → 31/08/21

Is screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia cost-effective in reducing the cumulative incidence of these infections in men who have sex with men taking HIV pre exposure prophylaxis (PrEP): a randomized, multicenter controlled trial

Kenyon, C. -  Sexual Transmitted Diseases

Federaal Kenniscentrum voor Gezondheidszorg.

15/09/19 → 31/08/20

Development and evaluation of a computerized intervention for chemsex (Chemified study)

Florence, E. – HIV/STD Clinic

1/09/19 → 31/12/20

Effectiveness and tolerability of a short regimen for drug resistant tuberculosis treatment in Kandahar Province, Afghanistan, Uncontrolled Clinical Study

de Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology


1/09/19 → 30/04/22

Pilot clinical bacteriology in the Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) care response to detect intercurring bloodstream infections and inform about appropriate antibiotic treatment

Jacobs, J. – Tropical Bacteriology


1/08/19 → 30/04/20

Preventing vector-borne disease outbreaks in emergent peri-urban settings: a transdisciplinary study on the Integrated Housing Development Programme in Jimma, Ethiopia

Peeters, K. – Socio-ecological Health Research

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council UK

1/07/19 → 30/06/20

People-centered digitized healthcare system: Using technology as a platform to strengthen the continuum of care in Kibaha, Tanzania

Peeters, K. – Socio-ecological Health Research

D-tree International

1/04/19 → 30/09/21

Enhancing entomological capacity for combating vector borne diseases in Nepal

Müller, R – Medical Entomology

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

26/03/19 → 1/09/20

Treatment of Rifampin-resistant Tuberculosis with an All-Oral Regimen containing new drugs in Zhytomyr Ukraine

de Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology

MSF Belgium

1/03/19 → 31/08/21

Effect of a novel typhoid conjugate vaccine in Africa: a multicenter study in Ghana and the DRC

Jacobs, J. – Tropical Bacteriology

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

1/01/19 → 31/12/23

Optimise PrEP to Maximise Impact

Laga, M. – Sexual Health incl HIV

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/19 → 31/12/22

Scaling-up of evidence-based health interventions at population level for the prevention and management of hypertension and/or diabetes

Van Damme, W. – International Health Policy

European Commission

1/01/19 → 31/12/22

Cryptic human and animal reservoirs compromise the sustainedelimination of gambiense-human African trypanosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Büscher, P. – Diagnostic Parasitology

Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/12/18 → 30/11/23

A systemic insecticide to control zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in Errachidia province - Southeastern Morocco: an intervention trial for an innovative vector control tool

Boelaert, M. – Epidemiology and Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases

Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/11/18 → 31/10/22

A proof-of-concept trial to evaluate artesunate-mefloquine as a novel alternative treatment for schistosomiasis in African children

Bottieau, E. – Tropical Medicine

Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/10/18 → 30/09/22

Aneuploidy and mosaicism: a strategy for early adaptation to drug pressure in Leishmania

Dujardin, JC. – Molecular Parasitology

Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/10/18 → 31/12/23

Development of a high-throughput inhibition ELISA to replace immune trypanolysis for post-elimination monitoring of gambiense-HAT II

Büscher, P. – Diagnostic Parasitology

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

1/10/18 → 30/09/20

Novel high-dose tuberclosis retreatment regimens: How to overcome resistance without creating more?

Decroo, T. – HIV/AIDS

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Postdoctoraal Mandaat)

1/10/18 → 30/09/21

Novel High-Dose Tuberculosis Retreatment Regimens: How to overcome resistance without creating more?

Lynen, L. – HIV/AIDS

Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/10/18 → 30/09/24

Preventing Resistance in Gonorrhoea Study

Kenyon, C. - Sexual Transmitted Diseases

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/10/18 → 30/09/22

Whole Genome Sequencing to streamline TB diagnosis, improve TB surveillance and optimize individualized TB treatment a pragmatic trial

Rigouts, L. - Mycobacteriology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/10/18 → 30/09/22

Post exposure prophylaxis for leprosy in the Comoros and Madagascar

de Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

1/09/18 → 31/08/22

la PrEP comme nouvel outil pour la prévention du VIH combinéune étude qualitative complémentaire d'un projet de démonstration de la PrEP en cours chez les HSH en Afriquede l'Ouest

Laga, M. – Sexual Health incl HIV

A.N.R.S. Agence Nationale de Recherche

1/08/18 → 31/07/21

A study of the dynamics between sexual risk behavior, social context and the use of Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis among men who have sex with men: longitudinal and international mixed-method research

Reyniers, T. – International HIV/AIDS policy

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Postdoctoraal mandaat)

1/10/18 → 30/09/21

Operational research to sustain VL elimination and break transmission in India

Boelaert, M. – Epidemiology and Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

1/07/18 → 31/07/20

A multi-disciplinary international effort to identify clinical, molecular and social factors impacting cutaneous leishmaniasis

Dujardin, JC. – Molecular Parasitology

European Commission

1/04/18 → 31/03/22

Development of a small-scale, quality-assured, stand-alone, and transportable clinical bacteriology laboratory

Jacobs, J. – Tropical Bacteriology

MSF France

1/03/18 → 31/12/20

Immuno Cytometry: Phenotyping immune cellular components, in the context of HBV, HIV and AD, by new, advanced technologies

Vanham, G. - Virology

Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie

18/01/18 → 17/08/20

Anthropological research and community participation to facilitate mass drug administration of iverctmetin and dyhidroartemisin-piperaquine as an additional intervention for malaria elimination

Peeters, K. – Socio-ecological Health Research

Medical Research Council, UK

1/01/18 → 30/09/20

Identification of epitopes in the alphaviral envelope that confer infectivity for human and mosquito cells

Bartholomeeusen, K. - Virology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Krediet aan Navorsers)

1/01/18 → 31/12/20

Role of human movement in relation to popular spots in the spatiotemporal dimension of vectorial arbovirus transmission?

Vanlerberghe, V – Tropical Infectious Diseases
Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Krediet aan Navorsers)
1/01/18 → 31/12/19

Access to Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for Men Who Have Sex With Men: Acceptability and Feasibility in Community-based Clinics in West Africa

Laga, M. – Sexual Health incl HIV

The Global Fund to fight AIDS

1/12/17 → 30/11/20

African CoaLition for Epidemic Research, Response and Training

van Griensven, J. – HIV & Neglected Tropical Diseases

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

1/12/17 → 30/11/22

Persistent T-cell dysfunction in synergistic VL-HIV co-infection

Adriaensen, W. – HIV & Neglected Tropical Diseases

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Postdoctoraal Mandaat)

1/10/17 → 30/09/20

Development of specific and highly sensitive mulit-pathogen laboratory tests for the simultaneous and differential detection of arthropod-borne viruses

Ariën, K. - Virology

Agentschap voor Innovatie door Wetenschap en Technologie

1/08/17 → 31/07/20

Visceral Leishmaniasis in Bihar State, India

Boelaert, M. – Epidemiology and Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases

US xNational Institutes of Health – Tropical Medicine Research Centers

1/08/17 → 31/03/22

Monitoring van exotische steekmuggen in België

Van Bortel, W., Coosemans, M. & Deblauwe, I. – Medical Entomology

Vlaamse, Waalse en Brusselse overheden en de FOD Volksgezondheid, Veiligheid van de Voedselketen

1/07/17 → 30/04/21

Designing and evaluating provider results-based financing for tuberculosis care in Georgia: understanding costs, mechanisms of effect and impacts

Marchal, B. – Health Systems

MRC/ESRC/DfID/Wellcome Trust, United Kingdom

1/03/17 → 1/03/21

Hepatitis C virus direct acting antiviral (DAA) treatment success and its impact on transmission dynamics in HIV/HCV co-infected MSM

Buvé, A. – International HIV/AIDS Policy

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/17 → 31/12/20

R2STOP Leprosy: Improved understanding of ongoing transmission of leprosy in the Comoros, a region hyperendemic for the disease

de Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology

Research to Stop

1/01/17 → 31/12/20

Kinetoplast genomics for the fine-scale study of hybrid zones in eukaryote parasites

Van den Broeck – Molecular Parasitology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Postdoctoraal Mandaat)

1/01/17 → 30/06/20

Young Women and HIV in Africa

Laga, M. – Sexual Health incl HIV

Fondation de Luxembourg

1/01/17 → 1/02/22

Eliminating Human African Trypanosomiasis in the three (formerly) Bandundu provinces, the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Boelaert, M. – Epidemiology and Control of Neglected Tropical Diseases

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

1/11/16 → 31/12/21

Zika Preparedness Latin American Network Adressing the urgent research gaps against the Zika virus and other emerging threats in Latin America

Ariën, K. - Virology

European Commission

1/10/16 → 30/09/20

Evaluation of an antibody detecting point-of-care test for the detection of Taenia Solium Taeniasis and (neuro) cysticercosis in communities and primary care settings of highly endemic, resource-poor areas in Tanzania and Zambia, including training of- and technology transfer to the regional Reference Laboratory and health centres

Dorny, P. – Veterinary Helminthology

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

1/09/16 → 31/08/20

Culture free diagnosis and follow-up of multidrug resistant tuberculosis patients

de Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

1/06/16 → 31/05/21

Diagnostic tools for human African trypanosomiasis elimination and clinical trials

Büscher, P. – Diagnostic Parasitology

European & Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership

1/02/16 → 31/01/21

Developing, Testing and Optimizing Patient Education and Counseling in HIV Prevention through Digital Self-Managementand Group Counseling among Men having Sex with Men

Laga, M. – Sexual Health incl HIV

Koning Boudewijnstichting

1/01/16 → 31/03/20

Rationeel ontwerp van een therapeutisch vaccin tegen HIV-1 gebaseerd op een nieuwe formulering van nanopartikel

Vanham, G. - Virology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek

1/01/16 → 31/12/20

The evaluation of a standardized treatment regimen of anti-tuberculosis drugs for patients with MDR-TB.

de Jong, B. - Mycobacteriology

Vital Strategies

1/10/15 → 30/06/22

Evaluating mHealth technology in HIV to improve Empowerment and healthcare utilisation: Research and innovation to Generate Evidence for personalised care

Florence, E. – HIV/STD Clinic

European Commission

1/05/15 → 30/04/20

Renforcement Institutionnel pour des Politiques de Santé basées sur l'Evidence en République Démocratique du Congo

Criel, B. – Health Financing

European Commission Europe Aid

24/12/14 → 23/12/20

Taenia solium elimination

Dorny, P. – Veterinary Helminthology

Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/09/14 → 31/08/20

Predicting visceral leishmaniasis in HIV infected patients: how to screen and who to treat?

van Griensven, J. – HIV & Neglected Tropical Diseases

Flemish Government - Department of Economy, Science & Innovation (SOFI)

1/07/14 → 31/07/21

A multi-omic approach to characterize gene dosage compensation in Leishmania

Cuypers, B. – Molecular Parasitology

Fonds voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Postdoctoraal mandaat)

1/10/18 → 30/09/21

Supporting Policy Engagements for Evidence Based Decisions for Universal Health Coverage in Uganda

Criel, B. – Equity & Health

van de Pas, R. – Health Policy

European Commission Europe Aid Co-operation Office

1/03/15 → 29/02/20

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